Taking the form of an investigative documentary, Stolen Time tells the captivating story of one lawyer’s mission to denounce the powerful corporate industry of for-profit care homes. Melissa Miller and her team defend over a hundred families, who, as a last resort, go to court to call out these establishments’ systemic negligence, which too often has a hand in the death of their loved ones. Stolen Time is the story of a call to justice, of tenacity, and of perseverance. It is also a hard-hitting account in which health workers, family caregivers, and elderly victims speak out against a social crisis that existed long before a global pandemic brought it to light.
Stolen Time (Le temps dérobé)
- Country : Canada
- Year : 2023
- V.O : English
- Subtitles : French
- Duration : 85 MIN
- Cinematography : Claire Sanford
- Editing : Dominique Sicotte
- Production : Ina Fichman
- Production : Ariel Nasr
- Music : Lauren Bélec
- Sound Design : Luc Bouchard
Grassroots in Dry Lands (2015)
Come Worry with Us! (2013)
Malls R Us (2009)
No More Tears Sister (2005)
Undying Love (2002)