Montreal International Documentary Festival

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National Feature Competition

Journal d'un père Claude Demers

Diary of a Father

Inspired by his different relationships to fatherhood—both as a father himself and through his relationships with his biological and adoptive fathers—Claude Demers offers a tender, loving, melancholy and deeply personal exploration of this role. Shaped by a narration penned and embodied by the filmmaker, and in which past and present enrich one another, the film combine realism and something more dreamlike. Breathing life into Demers’ narrated memories enhanced by archival images and reconstructions, these raise the work to a universal reflection on solitude and distance, whether physical or emotional, from our loved ones. (OM)

competition : National Feature Competition

Journal d'un père

  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2023
  • V.O : French
  • Subtitles : English
  • Duration : 75 MIN
  • Cinematography : Olivier Tétreault
  • Cinematography : Paul-Claude Demers
  • Cinematography : François Messier-Rheault
  • Editing : Natalie Lamoureux
  • Production : Paul-Claude Demers
  • Music : Sei Nakauchi Pelletier
  • Sound Design : Patrice Leblanc
Filmography of Claude Demers :

Les dames en bleu (Ladies in Blue) (2009)
D’où je viens (Where I’m From) (2014)
Mon dernier été (My Last Summer) (2016)
Une femme, ma mère (A Woman, my Mother) (2019)

Presented in same section

La garde blanche

by Julien Elie

Caiti Blues

by Justine Harbonnier

Silent House

by Farnaz Jurabchian, Mohammadreza Jurabchian


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