Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Resurrection Eugenio Polgovsky


Some places vanish from the landscape; others remain deeply imprinted in memory. The Juanacatlán Falls, once known as the Niagara of Mexico, have been savagely polluted. Here, few traces of the past exist except in the little notebook where locals carefully record the names of those who have lost their lives to the contaminated site. Under Eugenio Polgovsky’s camera, this book becomes the Juanacatlán Falls’ own virtual memorial. With perseverance, Resurrection centres the stories of survivors of this anonymous environmental disaster, while also paying tribute to its victims. This final film from the late Polgovsky may be considered the most political of his short film career, although his work never labours the point he is making. In her book, Mara Polgovsky wrote that her brother’s films were “immersive, without any diktat of truth – cinema that merges with the flowing water.” The RIDM welcomes Matias Meyer, a Mexican filmmaker and a colleague and friend of Eugenio, to discuss this rare film. (JE)

This screening is offered for free as part of Doc-to-doc and will be followed by a discussion with Julien Elie (La garde blanche), who programmed the film, and Matias Meyer, filmmaker and friend of Eugenio Polgovsky.

Presented by Télé-Québec


  • Country : Mexico
  • Year : 2016
  • V.O : Spanish
  • Subtitles : French
  • Duration : 93 MIN

Presented in same section

Programme Malena Szlam

by Malena Szlam


by Diane Poitras


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