Montreal International Documentary Festival

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4 August 2020 Festival


We're excited to finally reveal our visual signature for this unique edition of the RIDM. For the fourth year in a row, the festival worked with Montreal-based graphic design studio Caserne. The collaboration has been lauded by critics, and led to a Grafika Award in 2018.


Caserne chose to highlight the RIDM’s unifying and socially aware character by putting you, festivalgoers, represented by three characters, at the heart of the visual campaign. The characters also reference the three weeks of the festival, each one featuring a thematic selection of films that will appeal to a variety of audiences. You will have the opportunity to connect with the filmmakers through in-depth discussions and round tables on important contemporary issues.

“This year, the festival will be largely digital, but it will still be a unifying event! And that’s what we want to convey to our audience with this year’s visual signature.” - Sofia Laroussi, executive director.


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Discover the best in documentary, take part in our year-round activities, and make the most of your festival!