Montreal International Documentary Festival

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15 December 2016

Watch DCM and RIDM Conferences You've Missed!

Missed these conferences last November? No problem, we've filmed them for you! 


DCM - Where Truth Lies : Opening Breakfast

Monday, November 14, 2016
With: Karim Ben Khelifa + Penny Lane + Yung Chang
Animated by: John Cardellino


DCM - Sea Changes: Melissa Auf der Maur & Jonathan Harris in conversation

Monday, November 14, 2016
With: Melissa Auf der Maur + Jonathan Harris


DCM - The Ear Imagines

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
With: Mira Burt-Wintonick + Cristal Duhaime + Lulu Miller
Animated by: Tally Abecassis

Presented by FCTMN


RIDM - Discussion: Inside Animated Reality

Discussion about animated documentaries

Friday, November 18, 2016

With: Penny Lane + Pierre Hébert + Theodore Ushev
Animated by: Julie Roy.
Presented in collaboration with and filmed by NFB.


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Discover the best in documentary, take part in our year-round activities, and make the most of your festival!