Montreal International Documentary Festival

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25 April 2017

The RIDM announces its selection committee and a new Doc Circuit Montreal (DCM) team

Montreal, April 25, 2017 – The Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM) is proud to announce its new selection committee: Gustavo Beck, Apolline Caron-Ottavi, Bruno Dequen (who will also serve as programming director), Prune Lieutier, Selin Murat, Charlotte Selb and Isabella Weetaluktuk. We are also taking this opportunity to announce changes to Doc Circuit Montreal (DCM), which now has a new team: Daniela Pinna, programmer, and Lucie Brillouet, project manager. These new additions to the RIDM team will help to put together a superb 20th anniversary edition, from November 9 to 19 this year.

Selection committee

Gustavo Beck
is on the selection committees for Cinéma du Réel (France) and IndieLisboa, and is a consultant for Latin American films for the Rotterdam Festival. He also works with many other festivals, including the Edinburgh International Film Festival (Scotland), BAFICI – Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente (Argentina), FICUNAM – Festival Internacional de Cine Unam (Mexico), Festival Cinematográfico Internacional del Uruguay and Olhar de Cinema – Festival Internacional de Curitiba in Brazil.

Apolline Caron-Ottavi
joined the RIDM’s programming team in 2011 as a pre-selection reviewer, while completing her master’s degree in film studies at the Université de Montréal. Since then she has helped plan the festival every year in various capacities, while also working with other events in Montreal (FNC, RVCQ, Nuits d’Afrique). She is a member of the team at 24 images, a film journal for which she has written since 2010.

Programming Director at RIDM since 2016, Bruno Dequen has worked for film festivals since 1998, including the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (FNC). He is also a teacher and critic, and has been editor-in-chief of the 24 images film journal since December 2015.

A graduate of the master’s program in film studies at Concordia University, Prune Lieutier is a partner and director of strategic development at La boîte à pitons. She is also an education researcher at UQAM, where she is working on a doctorate in enriched youth literature. After completing a master’s degree in international law and working in international cultural cooperation, Prune moved to Montreal in 2009. Since settling in Quebec, she has formed close ties in the culture and technology sectors, and regularly works with festivals, game studios, and companies specializing in interactivity.

Selin Murat
is a co-founder of Montreal-based Parabola Films. She has worked in independent film in Canada and abroad for the last ten years, producing auteur documentaries for theatrical and broadcast release that have won awards at several international festivals. Selin divides her time between Montreal and Istanbul, develops international co-productions, programs documentary project development initiatives in Turkey, and supports ambitious projects based in the region.

Charlotte Selb
joined the RIDM team in 2003 as programming coordinator and later became programming director (2010-15). During that time, she was a member of the nomination committee for Cinema Eye Honors, and served on juries at festivals such as Visions du Réel, DOK.fest Munich, Cinéma du réel, DokuFest Kosovo and Camden IFF. She is now a programmer for Hot Docs and works as an independent curator and critic. She is a member of the advisory committees for FilmsWeLike and the Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery.

Isabella Weetaluktuk
is a visual artist, filmmaker and writer. Inspired by human rights and the abundant beauty of the world, she is motivated to support and promote her Inuit cultural heritage.


Doc Circuit Montreal (DCM) team

Researcher, programmer and project manager Daniela Pinna has worked in film, television, documentaries and interactive media for more than 15 years. She is fascinated by outside-the-box discussions and works to promote the arts and culture in Quebec. Daniela is returning to DCM as the event’s programmer.

A trained industrial designer, Lucie Brillouet has worked in Montreal’s cultural sector since 2012. For two years, she gained experience as an event producer with MuseomixMTL. She is a co-founder of Techno Culture Club, and since 2015 she has produced projects at the intersection of culture and new technology for the MMFA, MAC, NFB and the Ville de Montréal.

Quebec’s only film festival dedicated to documentaries, the Montreal International Documentary Festivalpresents the best reality‐based films, including the works of established directors and new talents.

Doc Circuit Montréal, the documentary market organized in parallel with the festival, hosts a dozen activities for documentary professionals, including workshops and presentations, and facilitates more than 1,500 business meetings.

The 20th annual RIDM will take place from November 9 to 19, 2017.

The industry market will take place from November 13 to 15, 2017.

The festival is accepting submissions until May 31.

Information: /


Interview requests, Vimeo links and publicity photos:

Caroline Rompré | publicist | 514-778-9294 |



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