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16 November 2016 Forum RIDM

The 12th Doc Circuit Montréal Market Launch!

Montreal, November 14, 2016 - Doc Circuit Montréal’s (DCM) 12th edition officially started on Friday with the creative activities: the Kino VR experimental lab and the Talent Lab. The industry programs will run from November 14th to 16th. We would like to underline certain elements of the programming as well as the presence of significant guests.


Not to be missed, our favorite DCM classics will also return this year: the celebrated ROUGH CUT Session, the Beat Dox: Doc + Music event, and the lively Cuban Hat and Eurodoc Pitches. DCM’s central attraction, the bustling and ever-productive One-on-One Pitches, will take place all day on November 15.




Where Truth Lies: Opening Breakfast - November 14

DCM’s 2016 Opening Keynote tackles the idea of Documentary Truth face on, with a constellation of different creators, including guest speaker Penny Lane, discussing the fine but perplexingly blurry line between journalistic truth and documentary reality.


A Conversation between Jonathan Harris & Melissa Auf der Maur - November 14

Montreal native Melissa Auf der Maur (Peter and the Farm) and Jonathan Harris (Network Effect installation) both pioneers and legends in their own right, will sit together and have an organic, unscripted conversation about creativity, community, and career sea-changes.


Roundtables for New Decision Makers - November 14

Six new Decision Makers, six tables. Rotating through the room, each Decision Maker will lead a 20-minute meeting at each table, offering all participants the opportunity to gain different perspectives on the wealth of options available for funding non-fiction films.


The Ear Imagines - November 16

"The eye is lazy; the ear, on the contrary, imagines." - Bresson (Cahiers du Cinéma). Podcast producers Lulu Miller (Radiolab, Invisibilia), Cristal Duhaime and Mira Burt-Wintonick (Love Me) and Tally Abecassis (First Day Back) discuss the power of audio and how some stories are best told in waveform only.


EURODOC Pitch - November 16

For the third consecutive year, five producers will pitch their projects to a jury of European broadcasters and EURODOC representatives in the hope of being selected as the sole Québécois participant in the prestigious EURODOC co-production training programme, which takes place intermittently over an entire year, in three week-long working sessions in different European locations.


The television channel Canal D will also offer a 10 000$ development contract to a selected Canadian francophone project presented at the Talent Lab. The bursary will be awarded on Monday November 14th during the opening cocktail that kicks off Doc Circuit Montréal’s professional market held from November 14-16.



90$ regular pricing // 69$ for students and seniors

Day passes for Doc Circuit Montréal conferences on November 14, 15 and 16 are still available. One-on-One Pitches, lunches, and cocktails excluded.


About Doc Circuit Montréal

Doc Circuit Montréal is North Americaʼs only bilingual documentary market. Every year, more than 400 industry professionals gather at Doc Circuit Montréal to explore their shared interest in innovative projects and the issues facing documentary filmmakers.


The 12th Market edition takes place on November 14‐16, 2016,

at the former Academy of Fine Arts, 3450 St‐Urbain Street.


Contact: Caroline Rompré | publicist | 514-778-9294|





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