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29 April 2021 Forum RIDM

Announcing the second edition of the QC+BY DOC COPRO program

Press releases

Montreal, Wednesday, April 28, 2021 — Forum RIDM is pleased to announce the launch of the second edition of the QC+BY DOC COPRO program. The two-year program is set to begin in May, during the 36th edition of the DOK.fest München. The first edition was launched in Montreal in October 2018 by Forum RIDM and and came to a highly successful conclusion in Munich in June 2020. 

The objective of the QC+BY DOC COPRO project is to promote Quebec–Bavaria documentary co-production. The program supports and equips up-and-coming producers, helping them run smooth co-productions and build strong ties with new colleagues. The net result is to showcase Quebec and Bavarian talent on both continents.

Training, mentorship and networking activities are planned, with the aim of optimizing the meetings between Quebec producers in Munich and Bavarian producers in Montreal. The program, set to run for two years, will enable participants to work on a specific documentary film project in development, with a strong international co-production component.

This activity is made possible by an investment from the Ministère de la Culture et des communications as part of a wider Quebec-Bavaria cooperation initiative.

The producers selected for the QC+BY DOC COPRO 2021-22 program are:

Stacey Tenenbaum, H2L Productions Inc. 

Project: The Death Tour

Stacey Tenenbaum is an award-winning creative producer and director. In 2014 she founded H2L Productions, a boutique documentary film production company specializing in crafting character-driven stories that are shot internationally. H2L Productions’ first documentary feature, Shiners, was broadcast on the Documentary Channel, TV5 Quebec and PBS Independent Lens. Her second film, Pipe Dreams, premiered at Hot Docs in 2019 and was broadcast on Documentary Channel and PBS Independent Lens. Stacey is currently in production on Scrap, a character-driven environmental documentary, for the Documentary Channel in Canada. Before turning her attention to film, Stacey worked in factual television for 16 years, producing and co-creating award-winning documentary series such as The Beat (CTV) and In Real Life (YTV). In 2012, Stacey was nominated for an International Emmy for In Real Life III.

Line Sander Egede, TAK Films inc.

Project: Gabor

Born in Copenhagen, Line Sander Egede has been producing short films, documentaries and music videos since 2010. Working with Danish director Malou Reymann, she produced three short films, the medium-length film Interruption and most recently the documentary Distance, which premiered at CPH:DOX 2018. In 2015, she moved to Montreal to pursue her career as a producer, and in 2017 she attended the Cinema program at INIS. After INIS, Line produced several short films and recently premiered the feature film Vacarme, directed by Neegan Trudel, at CINEMANIA and PÖFF. She is currently in post-production for the feature documentary Gabor, directed by Joannie Lafrenière. With her company TAK Films, Line is aiming to develop co-productions with Europe

Giacomo Nudi, Cosmos Films

Project: Storms Are Whispering

 After a career in communications and advertising, Giacomo Nudi pivoted to his first love, film. After studying at L’inis (The National Institute of Image and Sound), he joined production company Les Films Outsiders, then co-founded Cosmos Films. Drawing on his experience in marketing and impact strategies, he has overseen, from concept to release, films that sensitize audiences to a variety of social issues, and, above all, support creators from underrepresented communities. A warm and sensitive person, his projects in development are highly diverse: shorts, features and web series, both fiction and documentary. 

Maxi Haslberger, Amerikafilm  

Project: Movie Kintsugi

Born in 1984, Maximilian Haslberger founded in 2013 his production company, Amerikafilm, with the aim of creating a framework for artists and auteurs to explore a broader scope of what cinema can be. In 2014, his graduation film, the documentary Die Menschenliebe, premiered at the Berlinale, Visions du Réel and DOK Leipzig, where he received an honorable mention. He is a member of the German Film Academy. In 2017, he became a jury member of ‘Förderpreis für Filmkunst’, the Award for Cinematography of the Neue Nationalgalerie.

Sophie Ahrens, Schuldenberg Films 

Project: Life Is Not A Competition, But I’m Winning 

Born in 1989 in London, Sophie Ahrens is a producer based in Berlin and Bavaria. She studied Applied Media Economics in Hamburg and Berlin and graduated with a Master course in Film and TV Production from Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. Sophie Ahrens has participated in the production of several independent short and feature films which have been screened at the Berlinale, the Mostra de São Paolo and the Stockholm International Film Festival. Sophie joined Schuldenberg Films in 2016. Her graduation film, a feature-length documentary, was just awarded Best Graduation Film 2021 at the Swiss Culture Awards. 

Katharina Weser, Reynard Films 

Project: Dancing On The Edge Of A Volcano 

Katharina Weser was born in 1988 in Augsburg, Germany. She studied French, Journalism and Film in Germany and France. After her studies, she worked in France for several production companies as an assistant producer and director as well as a journalist. In 2014, she joined Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris, a program for young European producers. Together with her partner Georg Neubert she opened a production company, Reynard Films, in early 2016 in Leipzig; in 2020 they opened a branch in Agawang, Bavaria.


About Munich

DOK.fest Munich is one of Europe’s largest feature-length documentary festivals. It created Marketplace as a unique co-production platform for the German-language film industry, organizing regular events for international professionals. 


About Forum RIDM

Since 2004, Forum RIDM, Quebec’s documentary forum co-founded with DOC Québec, has supported and stimulated independent documentary production, enabling discussions among professionals, artists, producers, distributors and exhibitors of every stripe. Forum RIDM has enhanced its program with mentorship initiatives (Talent Lab) and professional sessions that take an active role in the creation of new documentaries and the training of new talent.

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Caroline Rompré | Publicist | RIDM | 514-778-9294




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