Montreal International Documentary Festival

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5 December 2018 Forum RIDM

Talents to Watch 2019 : Benefit from Doc Circuit Montreal's recommendation!

For a second year, Doc Circuit Montreal is as a member of the Talents To Watch program preselection committee and will be able to recommend up to two documentary feature film projects and one web documentary project to Téléfilm Canada.

Doc Circuit Montréal invites emerging documentary creators to send their first documentary feature or web project, in order to be recommended for the Talents to Watch program.

Eligibility requirements to benefit from Doc Circuit Montreal recommendation:
  • Have previously produced, directed and/or written at least one short film but cannot have previously held the same key position in a feature length film (documentary or fiction);

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;

  • Have participated in one of the incubation activities held by the forum and the festival (not required if you are the project producer) in the 3 last years.

Those activities are : First Pitch, Talent Lab, la Soirée de la relève ICI RDI, the Cuban Hat Pitch.

  • The recommended projects must be documentary audiovisual projects produced in French or English that is either :

    • feature length films of 75 minutes or more; or

    • any other type of narrative-based audiovisual content made in a format specifically designed for online audiences. These types of projects can be comprised of one or more segments which, in total, must be more than 10 minutes in length.

How to submit my project?
  • Being eligible following Telefilm Canada program’s criteria and having filled out the ELIGIBILITY CHECKLIST before January 21st, 2019, 12:00 pm (noon)

→ Upload the Program’s Guideline and check the eligibility criteria ( 1. Selective Stream)

  • Send us the following elements before January 21st, 2019, 12:00 pm (noon) :

- Resumes of each member of the creative team

- Long synopsis (10 pages max.)

- Director’s intentions and cinematographic approach (5 pages max.)

- Estimated financial structure and budget

- Draft of your promotional and distribution strategy

About Talents to Watch 2019 - Téléfilm Canada

The Talent to Watch Program – Funding of First Feature Films and Web Projects from Emerging Filmmakers (the “Program”) aims to support a diverse array of emerging filmmakers1, and accelerate their career development by giving them the opportunity, and the autonomy, to create their first feature film or web series.



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