Montreal International Documentary Festival

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11 August 2017

RIDM en plein air - Combat au bout de la nuit

August 16, 8:30pm, Parc Laurier (Part 1/2)
August 23, 8:20pm, Parc Laurier (Part 2/2)
Combat au bout de la nuit by Sylvain L'Espérance

Director Sylvain L'Espérance in attendance

Quebec, 2016, 122 min (Part 1), 163 min (Part 2) original French and Greek version with French subtitles

A presentation of Cinéma sous les étoiles by Funambules Médias

Combat au bout de la nuit is an unconventional activist epic, filmed in Greece over several years among the many refugees and amidst some of the mass demonstrations that have rocked the country. The film is at once an essay, guerrilla journalism and poetic portrait. It tackles the socio-political upheavals of a country that stands alone in bringing down the western neoliberal model. By documenting the words and songs of the most marginalized, by taking to the streets with cleaning women of uncommon courage and determination, and by showing the power of poetry and solidarity to overcome the cruel indifference of the powerful, Sylvain L’Espérance (Sur le rivage du monde, RIDM 2012) posits the necessity of a fight that has only just begun.

Facebook event part 1

Facebook event part 2


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