Montreal International Documentary Festival

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16 September 2021 Forum RIDM

Registrations for the One-on-one pitches are open!



Registrations for the One-on-one pitches are open!


The Forum RIDM is proud to announce that accreditations for the 2021 One-on-One pitches presented in collaboration with Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada (APFC), are now available to purchase. Interested producers and filmmakers can already get a pass for this flagship event of the Forum. The registration process is open from September 16 to October 16 2021.


Get a Forum+One-on-One Pass


One-on-One offers two half-days of individual meetings between accredited producer-directors and industry representatives: public and private broadcasters, sales agents, festival representatives, fund and institute representatives. It is a unique moment to create new partnerships and make one’s project known.

Once again this year, the event will be attended by expert representatives from all sectors of the industry. New representatives are being confirmed every day and the list is updated on a daily-basis until the registrations closing, on October 16.


Learn about the attending industry representatives

Following the great success of last year’s edition, the One-on-One 2021 will once again be held online. This format allows participants to meet with representatives from all over the country and abroad. The activity will take place on 2 half-days, Tuesday November 16 and Wednesday November 17, from 9 am to 1 pm (Montreal time)


The Forum RIDM invites interested people to get an accreditation as soon as possible, since places are limited and meeting preferences will be on a first come, first served basis.


Find out more




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