Montreal International Documentary Festival

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29 September 2023 Beyond the fest

Looking for Horses available on Tënk


Looking for Horses by Stefan Pavlovic, 2021 RIDM's Grand Prize, International Feature, is now available on Tënk.

Stefan Pavlovic’s award-winning first feature chronicles the growing friendship between the filmmaker and a recluse fisherman. Stefan has lost his mother tongue due to a childhood stutter, and Zdravko has lost most of his hearing during the Bosnian war. The camera becomes the point of connection between the two who’re trying to reconcile with the past. They pass their time on the lake fishing and talking of wild horses said to roam nearby. Eager to overcome their traumas, they listen, empathize and acknowledge each other’s struggles. The stunning visual montage and the cinematic intimacy created around the natural environment draws us deep into the internal worlds of these soulful friends.

> Watch the film on Tënk


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