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6 September 2018 Forum RIDM

How to prepare your DCM : Information session in collaboration with Main Film

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3 2018, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Participate in an information session on DCM in collaboration with Main Film

For three full days each November, the RIDM and its professional forum Doc Circuit Montreal (DCM) bring together industry professionals, decision makers, national and international producers and offers a large variety of networking events that stimulate partnerships and foster project development.

Which accreditation to buy? Which event to go to, based on the type of project or professional needs?
With so many upcoming events and opportunities, how can one fully benefit from the forum and best invest his.her time and money?

Main Film and DCM invite you to meet the forum programmer and manager, as well as experienced producers and filmmakers who will share tips and tricks to take full advantage of the conferences and panels on offer, the day of One-on-One meetings, and the industry decision makers attending the forum. Participants can discover all of the details of the activities offered by DCM.

As well as acting as a networking platform, the DCM also organizes creative Talent, Producers and Co-production Labs. Including some of the most influential decision makers, the event brings together more than 300 professionals to discuss innovative projects and debate the essential issues of the documentary industry today.


Valérie Bah, director, independent producer

Léonie Dupin, forum manager DCM

Selin Murat, programmer DCM

Katarina Soukup, producer, founder of Catbird Productions


WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3 2018, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

>  Where ? Main Film (2025, Parthenais Str. - # 301 Montreal, QC, H2K 3T2 )

> Event is free on sign-up!

> Event in French

 Facebook Event 

→ Members of Main Film benefit from a 20% discount on the purchase of a full DCM accreditation.
→ As well, presence prize for Main Film members includes a free DCM accreditation (without One-on-One), value of 180$ (+tax) - who will be the lucky one to win? 





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Discover the best in documentary, take part in our year-round activities, and make the most of your festival!