Montreal International Documentary Festival

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9 October 2021 Festival

Call for volunteers 2021


Are you a community-minded person? Do you want to be part of a dynamic festival? Interested in seeing the best reality-based cinema?

Join us for the next RIDM. Each year, nearly 200 volunteers give generously of their time and talent. They make the festival possible.

Volunteers are involved in various organizational areas of the festival: ticketing, reception, surveying viewers after screenings, guiding festival guests, mounting and dismounting equipment, etc... 


Volunteering for the RIDM will give you an opportunity to:

- participate in an international documentary film festival,

- meet documentary filmmakers and industry professionals,

- participate in RIDM events and view great films.

We're looking forward to meet you!




Questions? Please contact us at


Discover the best in documentary, take part in our year-round activities, and make the most of your festival!


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Discover the best in documentary, take part in our year-round activities, and make the most of your festival!

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Discover the best in documentary, take part in our year-round activities, and make the most of your festival!