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2 October 2018 Forum RIDM

APFC annual congress will be taking place at DCM 2018


DCM hosts APFC annual congress

The Doc Circuit Montreal documentary forum (DCM) is pleased to welcome, for the first time, the annual congress of the Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada (APFC), to be held on November 11 and 12 in Montreal. The collaboration is in line with DCM’s mission, which includes fostering closer ties among members of the Canadian documentary industry.

The APFC, whose mission is to promote the professional development of francophone Canadian producers, has decided to hold its annual congress in parallel with Doc Circuit Montréal. A delegation of approximately 20 francophone producers from across Canada will meet for two days of workshops and talks. The producers will also participate in DCM’s activities. 

The APFC and DCM will both focus on international co-production and organize numerous networking opportunities for producers from Quebec and their francophone colleagues from the rest of Canada. The APFC will co-present, with the State of Bavaria Quebec Office, DCM’s opening reception on November 12. The APFC’s members will also participate in the forum’s networking activities and meet the various international delegations. 
The presence of the francophone producers will make the city still more attractive to international producers seeking new ties with their Canadian colleagues.

About the APFC

The Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada (APFC) is dedicated to advancing the French-language film, television and digital media industry across Canada, to give voice to francophone Canadians. The APFC represents 24 independent francophone producers located throughout the country.


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