Montreal International Documentary Festival

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The soirée de la relève Radio-Canada

It Is What It Is Nicole Doummar

Nicole pays a visit to her mother, camera in tow. With great warmth and intimacy, she shares a look into a home inhabited by the memories of a resilient woman. (MLPB)

This film is screening for free during the The soirée de la relève Radio-Canada.

It Is What It Is

  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2023
  • V.O : French, English
  • Subtitles : French
  • Duration : 13 MIN
  • Cinematography : Nicole Doummar
  • Editing : Nicole Doummar
  • Production : Nicole Doummar
  • Music : David Lagacé
  • Sound Design : David Lagacé
Filmography of Nicole Doummar :

First film

Presented in same section

La ravissante

by Diego Gros-Louis


by Myriam Ben Saïd

Where Motion Has Not Yet Ceased

by Juliette Balthazard

Casa Bonjardim

by Camille Salvetti


by Louise Blancheteau


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