Opening film
At the beginning of summer, Adam, Ana, and Dahlia turn to their families and friends to question their cultural heritage. Through tender conversations, "Here and There" juxtaposes the different influences that steer the blossoming of the cultural identities of second and third-generation immigrants.

- Chadi Bennani
- 2023
- Canada (Quebec)
- s.t. French or English
- 19 min
Opening film
The filmmaker turns her camera on her mother, actress Hiam Abbass, to paint an intimate intergenerational portrait of the daring Palestinian women in her family. The work offers a sensitive look at exile while celebrating the resilience of family ties.

- Lina Soualem
- 2023
- France, Palestine, Belgium, Qatar
- s.t. French and English
- 82 min
Closing film
Filmmakers embark on a unique geographic and human journey, capturing the gloom and melancholy of fall in Montreal—and, perhaps more broadly, of our time.

- Karine van Ameringen, Iphigénie Marcoux-Fortier
- 2023
- Canada (Quebec)
- s.t. French and English
- 94 min