Montreal International Documentary Festival

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20 September 2019

Call for Projects // SODEC_Lab @ CPH:DOX 2020

SODEC and the Forum RIDM continue their collaboration with the program SODEC_Lab @CPH:DOX 2020


The RIDM Forum is proud to renew its partnership with the Society for the Development of Cultural Enterprises (SODEC) under the SODEC_Lab @ CPH: DOX 2020. This SODEC_Lab will allow producers in Quebec to participate in the documentary market CPH: FORUM and the CPH festival: DOX in Copenhagen.


Important dates and information:

Beginning of application period: September 23, 2019
Application deadline: October 8, 2019 at 11:59 pm
Date of mandatory preparatory workshops: December 12, 2019 and February 24, 2020


• Prepare producers of auteur documentary films or creative projects (all formats welcome) for the European and international markets, more specifically the CPH:FORUM Scandinavian and Danish markets;
CPH:FORUM is a professional forum dedicated to creative and cinematic projects, either feature, series or new media projects, with international potential. For more information on CPH:FORUM:
• Offer networking opportunities for producers with significant local, national and/or international experience, but little to no experience at the professional CPH:FORUM;
• Establish relationships between Quebec-based producers and international producers, buyers, distributors and programmers attending CPH:FORUM;
• Encourage cultural exchanges, best practices and formal as well as informal long-term collaborations.

Professional activities offered to selected candidates

• Training workshops and individual mentorship prior to attending CPH:FORUM;
• Individual mentorship and support during the event;
• Access to all three days of the Forum (March 26-28, 2020) and its networking activities and conferences;
• Practical workshops and presentations by decision makers present on-site;
• Specially curated individual and collective meetings with key players of the international audiovisual, auteur and creative documentary industry.

Details of the offer

• International transport / lodging fees;
• CPH:FORUM accreditation giving access to all festival screenings and industry events.

Here is the link for the registration.


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