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25 August 2020 Forum RIDM

Call for projects for Talent Lab 2020 !


 Call for projects for Talent Lab 2020 !


The Talent Lab call for projects is open from August 26 to September 30, 2020 (noon).


Presented by NETFLIX, the Forum RIDM Talent Lab is a unique creative and professional development initiative. For its 7th edition, the Talent Lab brings together Canadian emerging artistic talent to incubate film projects, expand filmmaking practices and foster community networks.

 The Talent Lab will take place during the Forum RIDM from November 12-19, 2020. 


The Talent Lab is a creative laboratory that will take place this year over 4 half-days from Saturday 14 to Tuesday 17 November 2020. During these 4 days, participants will benefit from master classes and discussions with creative experts from the documentary industry. Participants are coached throughout the Talent Lab by industry professionals. 40% of the time in this closed lab is dedicated to the creative and professional development of the project the participant has submitted to the Talent Lab. All Talent Lab participants will take part in the professional activities of the RIDM Forum. 


To submit a proposal, you must have a documentary project in development or in production as a director or director-producer and have the status of or Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Canada.

*This year, the Talent Lab will be held online. In order to take into account the well-being of our participants, to avoid screen fatigue and the mental load of our new "connected" reality, the Talent Lab is organized over half days.


 -> Submission form


Participation fees

If you are selected for the Talent Lab, a fee of $50 (+ taxes) will be applicable to cover the four days of activities. You will have a RIDM + Forum accreditation (without the One-on-One Pitches) entitling you to all the films of the festival and the entire Professional Forum program (minus the One-on-One Pitches). 


Who can submit?

  • Open to emerging or mid-career filmmakers who have a documentary project in development or in production

  • Open to filmmakers residing in Canada (Canadian citizen or permanent resident status mandatory)

  • Open to all types of documentary projects

* Applicants who participated in a previous edition of the Talent Lab are not eligible.


When can you submit?

The call for projects opens on August 26 and closes on September 30, 2020


How to submit?

By completing the online submission form by September 30 , at noon.


Why should you participate in the Talent Lab?

  • To get experience in professional and creative development

  • To make your documentary project happen

  • To discover and develop new filmmaking styles and techniques and to join the professional documentary community 


The Forum RIDM Talent Lab initiative is made possible thanks to our main partener Netflix and the support of Canal DCineground, the ONF and the NFB.


The Talent Lab 2020 offers four types of support to participants:



For the sixth consecutive year, CANAL D will offer a $10,000 scholarship (in the form of a development contract) to one of the Canadian Francophone Talent Lab 2020 projects.



The NFB is a partner of the Talent Lab for a third consecutive year. The Documentary Studio of the NFB's French program is helping the next generation of filmmakers by supporting the development of a French-language project by a Quebec-based filmmaker, chosen from the Talent Lab 2020 cohort, for a value of $9,000.



The NFB's English program this year doubled its support for the development of an English-language project by a Canadian-based filmmaker chosen from among the Talent Lab 2020 participants, for a value of $5,000.



This year, CineGround is once again committed to offering a $5,000 bursary in the form of post-production services to a Canadian or Quebec project.



  • One person per project only can be selected to the Talent Lab

  • Not open to CEGEP students

  • The language in which your project is being developed must be either English or French

  • Submissions are individual, nominative and open to directors only (the Talent Lab is not open to producers)

  • Candidates must be available for the entirety of the Talent Lab, from Saturday, November 14 to Tuesday, November 17, 2020. 

  • Workshops and talks will be in English and in French, according to the guest speaker, and the group work on participants' projects will be held in the language corresponding to each project.

  • 40% of the Talent Lab's duration will be devoted to participants' projects and 60% will be devoted to master classes, talks and roundtables.


For all questions please write to




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